Improve Flexibility with Massage

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A massage may help improve flexibility in Fanwood.  Experiencing a muscle injury is more common now than it ever has been. What’s the reason for this? People are becoming more and more sedentary. Aging makes the situation worse because, with age, joints become tighter adding to the decrease in flexibility.

Through regular treatments of massage therapy at Fanwood Therapeutic Massage in Fanwood, you can improve and maintain proper flexibility and movement in your joints. By continuously working on your body’s musculature, tendons and ligaments you are able to keep healthy levels of fluids in your joints and your muscles relaxed. Another benefit of this is you are decreasing your tendency of injury.

Improving Flexibility with Massage Therapy in Fanwood NJ

As clearly stated, receiving massage therapy is a great way to keep muscles relaxed and if you combined regular chiropractic care then you are going to reach your body’s maximum potential. Daily stretching and being active is a great way to keep up with your healthy lifestyle.

By participating in daily stretching, you care increasing blood circulation which is important for recovering from sickness or injury and preventing further sickness or injury. By stretching, you are elongated your muscles, improving you posture and improve your range of motion in joints. If you are a physically active person, keeping loosened muscles in important to prevent sprains or strains while running and working out.

While creating your workout routine, be sure to include stretching, massage therapy and chiropractic care and you can greatly reduce the amount of muscular soreness you experience. This happens because stretching gives your muscles more movement and prevents a collection of lactic acid. Lactic acid buildup occurs when your body doesn’t have enough oxygen so instead of breaking down carbohydrates into water and carbon dioxide it breaks down carbohydrates for energy which makes lactic acid.  This is what contributes to muscles soreness and cramping following a rigorous workout.

Improving range of motion and flexibility leads to:

  • Regulated production of joint lubricants to maintain proper movement
  • Increases blood circulation
  • Maximizes physical performance
  • Reduces occurrence of injury
  • Longer workout periods

Contact our office in Fanwood today and let Fanwood Therapeutic Massage help you improve your flexibility.


2:30pm - 5:30pm

2:30pm - 5:00pm

2:30pm - 5:30pm

3:00pm - 6:00pm

2:30pm - 5:30pm

9:00am - 12:00pm

* We may be able to accommodate hours outside of our office hours noted above on a patient by patient basis.

Fanwood Therapeutic Massage
346 South Avenue Suite 4B
Fanwood, NJ 07023
(908) 889-1520